Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Questions to Ponder

It seems like forever since I have communicated a devotional thot with you and so I must ask you to forgive me for not doing so. It has been rather busy for several weeks in a row that I have put other things in front of my daily devotional thot. But come to thinking of it, none of you even emailed to say you missed it, so, if you did, you need to let me know and if you didn't, my email receipts will tell the story. Anyway, enough of that. I have been thinking about questions. Some people ask a lot of questions about life, about things that happen in a person's life and much more. Here are a few to consider:

* When an agnostic dies does he go to The Great Perhaps?

* Why is the time of day with the slowest traffic called "rush hour"?

* Do you think David Copperfield has ever locked his keys in his car?

* Can atheists get insurance for acts of God?

* If a #2 pencil is the most popular why is it still #2?

* Isn't it strange that people who laugh at fortune tellers play the lottery?

* If Practice makes perfect, and nobody's perfect, why practice?

* Why is there always one in every crowd?

* If all the world is a stage, where does the audience sit?

* How do you know when it is time to tune bagpipes?

Just a few questions that make for deep thinking. Sort of the way the Bible says that people outside of faith in Christ think we are foolish. The word foolishness in the passage in Corinthians is the Greek word "moros" where we get our English word 'Moron". So the world thinks we are morons for believing and confessing Christ and believing all we do about the Bible and it's truths. But I have always wondered like the question I posed above, how do atheists claim acts of God and claim there is no God.

Have you ever wondered what will be placed on your head stone? Some of us have already made it clear to our families what we want to be placed there. Some are still thinking about it or don't want to think about it. It really doesn't matter but we all are going to face that fate one day. We are born, we live and we die. Unfortunately that is the facts as they really are. Reminds me of the woman who meant to call a record store, but dialed the wrong number and got a private residence instead. "Do you have "Eyes of Blue" and "A Love Supreme" the lady asked the person on the phone. "Well no," answered the puzzled homeowner. "But I have a wife and eleven children." "Is that a record?" she asked, all puzzled herself. "I don't think so," replied the man, "But it's as close as I want to get."

Some people will miss Heaven by 18 inches. From the Head to the Heart. Atheists can't believe in God because their head says no. Their heart probably says something different, but in most cases we will never really know.

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